Observing the Total Lunar Eclipse, almost complete, 4:25 am MDT here in Montana. The second so-called blood Moon this year, its a rare phenomena
that occurs as light beams unto the Earth’s Shadow causing it to look red to darkish orange. This Eclipse packs a punch for sure, being that it ties into that Uranus/Pluto square that has been jolting our world for the past couple of years—I call the square the “anything-can-happen.” What does it mean? Just that; call me to check out your own personal astrology, ski you can strategize your game plan better. On the national and world scene, I wonder if the common danger will unite peace loving peoples around the world to wake up, unite and take action. Ask yourself—what makes us vulnerable to violence and disruption? Nothing is random. In chaos lies opportunity. Aries is the sign of new beginnings. Confrontation of Light and Darkness. Eclipses bring crises. Crisis brings resolution and solution.