Is your significant other a Leo man or are you a Leo man in love?  Fun! Romance abounds! The Leo man just might be the one to keep alive the almost lost art of being a gentleman! But he can only be chivalrous with a lovely lady that allows him to be the regal man he really is and wants to be! Like the Leo woman, the Leo man’s smile lights up a room, his eyes sparkle, and he often shows that Lion’s mane of hair! Leo men are natural leaders; if they ask for your advice, well, fine, but otherwise, telling your Leo man what to do falls on deaf ears and threatens to extinguish the spark you love so well. Be more artful, be wise, but trust your Leo man! Gallantry comes naturally to him. Better that he come up to the challenge of being the best he can be than feel wiped out through a sentimentality that makes no sense to him!

With so much fanfare, its amazing when the Leo man just doesn’t get it, or forgets an important detail intrinsic to love’s exchanges; an older woman once called the Astrologer, the tone of her voice revealed her angst: “Today is my 50thanniversary and my husband is out playing golf with his buddies!”  The Astrologer responded by asking, “Is he a Leo?” “Yes, but how did you know?” The Astrologer, “He really just doesn’t get it. “ Such lack of consideration in Leo is symptomatic of hardness of heart, a common ailment. The Astrologer continued, “He has his tests in life and you have yours. You are a Virgo and your test is to conquer your anxiety. I advise you have something special waiting for him when he comes home!”  Of course, her husband returned with a magnificent bouquet of roses. They enjoyed a wonderful celebration of their love