Astro-Series: Prophecies happening now!

To begin to grasp the Maya Prophecies we have to restructure our perception of our relationship to the Sun, the stars and to our galaxy, itself a part of an expanding greater universe. A Mayan priest staring at the stars on winter solstice night, not only knew well the cycles of time and prophecy but also felt awe when contemplating the relationship of his own life with that of so vast a Cosmos, a cosmos he knew to be alive, potent and interactive with his own fate.

The Mayan Cosmogenesis was bound up in their relationship to what we now recognize as the Galactic Centre, an outer manifestation of a spiritually potent Galactic nucleus. Perhaps the most exciting prediction is that of worldwide awakening; changes in the Sun and in the Galactic Centre quicken perception and suddenly many begin to see what only a few seers saw before!