The Moon in Leo sextiles transiting Jupiter in Gemini and trines transiting Uranus in Aries.

The Moon in Leo’s positive aspects to transiting Jupiter and Uranus help finances, kindles friendship and considering the rising tension of the transiting  Sun/Uranus/Pluto  T-square  , generally comes as a refreshing breeze on a hot summer’s day!  Tune into the Leo Moon’s exuberance, optimism and joy! A generally positive influence, the downside of the Leo Moon is the tendency to pout; a wilful choice to silence the senses of the soul, to harden the heart and to shut down in seemingly cold indifference rather than reaching out with kindness and gratitude. Joyful Moon in Leo child-like radiance fills a room with Light and laughter while childish behavior which seeks to dominate through emotional tirades alienates even the best of friends.  Leo Moon people tend to be generous; they like to feel appreciated, which is natural enough, but also amounts to an emotional weakness. Although this influence generally boosts self-confidence, when the Moon is in Leo people can get downright bossy – and curiously feel hurt when this is pointed out to them.  Tests may relate to children, to the choice to keep the heart receptive regardless of pain and to the Seat of the Soul Chakra.