“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

Shakespeare from “All’s Well that Ends Well.”

During the Moon’s transit through Aquarius, the spark of friendship waxes more strongly within us. We reach out to others, become more sociable and open minded. Issues related to friends, to friendship and to special groups of people with whom we feel affiliated often surface when the Moon is in this Air Sign on the Love Cross. Friendship is a wonderful form of love: in friends we find comfort, companionship, understanding, acceptance, laughter and so much more. To lose a friend, worse, to be betrayed by a friend, causes grieving not easily healed. Although Aquarius being an Air Sign, lends a degree of objectivity, mindfulness and clarity to the nature, Aquarian Moon types can be emotionally distant, seemingly unfeeling and surprisingly stubborn at times! The Moon in Aquarius can expose feelings of hatred, disgust and irritation. All these, in greater and in lesser measure, are symptomatic of the soul, in this life or even in another, shutting down to protect herself from pain. If you experience such emotions now, life is telling you it’s time to be more loving! Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none!