The Sun is just about to slip into Taurus, but Mercury, Uranus and Mars are still in volatile Aries, adding fuel to the fire of the Uranus/Pluto square defining this time of unexpected violence and breakthroughs

So, If you would rise to victory rather than submit to failure, radiate peace rather than engage in senseless argumentation and discord, be the master of your fate rather than be the victim of your stars, then learn now the life lesson Aries brings to one and to all! Know that peace is more than a state of mind, it is a choice but if you would choose wisely, then know who you are and who you are not. The challenge is individual and yet it also can make or break the nation. When Aries energy abounds, if you feel confused about who you, someone else may take advantage of your weakness and ill define you; if you identify with unreality within yourself then expect to attract rivalry and relationships reflecting the inner lie or perhaps disturbing because they remind you of an inner truth you chose to ignore! In Aries much can be initiated if you can avoid or at least rise above so much angry energy. The Aries solution: be true to you (real) self; be peaceful and be patient and all will fall into place!